POSTHUMAN Validator Issues NFT-Avatars for delegators
For several years now, once a quarter, we have been sending out Stakers SBTs (Soul Bonded Tokens - Non-transfarable NFTs) to our delegators, excluding "dust addresses"
In the near future, all owners of Stakers SBTs will receive NFT-spheres in the amount of Stakers SBTs
NFT-spheres can be moved from your address, you can exchange NFT-spheres with other users, or put NFT-spheres up for sale
Each NFT-sphere can be converted into an NFT-Avatar
In order to convert an NFT-sphere into an NFT-Avatar, you need to send the NFT sphere to the Avatar Generator
After sending the NFT-sphere to the Avatar Generator, your NFT-sphere is burned, and the Generator Avatar creates a unique NFT-Avatar
An NFT-Avatar does not exist until you send an NFT-sphere to the Avatar Generator
If you send an NFT-sphere to the Avatar Generator one second or one minute later, you will receive a completely different NFT-Avatar
No NFT-Avatar is pre-minted, and does not exist until you send an NFT-sphere to the Avatar Generator!
NFT-Avatar is assembled from 12 different layers, and each layer can have up to 100 different options, with different drop rates
A full table with options and their drop rates will be published in the near future
While Common Spheres will give you a Common Avatars with common stats, Platinum and Diamond Spheres will give you a very rare Avatars with a high chance of rare stats
At the same time, if the number of Common and Bronze Spheres is in the tens of thousands, then the number of Brilliant Spheres is less than a hundred
If a user will get an NFT-Avatar that he doesn't like, and no one else wants to buy or exchange it, the user can use the Sphere Regenerator, send the NFT-Avatar there, and receive an NFT-sphere in return, which can be sent back to the Avatar Generator to create a new unique one NFT-Avatar
Dashboard for displaying the exact number of existing Stakers SBTs
Dashboard to display the number of NFT-sphere and the number of NFT-Avatars created will be published in the near future
Last updated